The Bowspring Method is an alternative movement and postural modality, which can be applied to yoga, dance, athletics, or to any dynamic posture--sitting, standing, and walking. Students age 8-80 benefit from the use of bow-spring alignment to optimize their health.
The bow-spring template describes the optimal neutral alignment for the human spine which has.. 1. A circumferential fullness in the thoracic, 2. A deep curve in the lower back, 3. A uniform arch in the neck.
In this undulating curved shape of the spine and torso, the entire back body is isometrically engaged into a loaded spring of connective tissue (myofascia). From the pads of the big toe all the way up to the sacrum, and from the fingertips all the way down to the sacrum, the bow-spring is loaded. Every posture and movement then becomes a dynamic expansion of the bow-spring in which the spine is actively decompressed and fully lengthened. The myofascia is concentrically toned around the core of the torso like a unified muscle suit.
Using the Bowspring method at any age can create a balanced tonus throughout the body, which creates tensile strength, precise balance, and rooted lightness while using the least amount of physical energy.
Bowspring Alignment ... 1. optimizes performance, 2. offers powerful therapeutic realignment for the lower back and hips, 3. decreases joint and bone degeneration, bolsters immune system, 4. recalibrates the neuro-glandular, and 5. empowers the spirit of the student to cultivate a positive mindset.
The bowspring shape requires us to access the muscles on the back of our body, including the upward mounding of the Gluteus Maximus.
The key alignment instructions are very different and many times opposite than what is often taught in other schools of modern postural yoga, classical dance, or other postural alignment systems. As the posture becomes second nature, the process of body-mind balancing accelerates. Bowspring method becomes a life practice of body-mind alignment that van be integrated into a students daily activities throughout their entire lifetime for the most optimal health, the highest performance, and for a bright vision of life.